Why congregations are leaving the United Methodist Church,

As has been reported in recent days, there is current surge in United Methodist Church members meeting together and voting to stay as members in the United Methodist Church, or to vote themselves out of the UMC and join the newly formed Global Methodist Church, or another denomination or simply to remain independent. A number of churches are out already and this includes some of the former UMC mega churches like St Andrews in Plano Texas. Many more UMC churches will be holding votes after church services and throughout this week to choose to stay or to leave. In cases, churches have voted to stay within the UMC, but the groups of people that have voted to leave the UMC are now leaving in groups to form and to plant new churches with the Global Methodist Church.

For many its a difficult vote, even withstanding the fact that the UMC Leadership have turned to both Liberal and Unitarian Theology over the traditional Christian Theology of the Methodist Church as it was founded by John and Charles Wesley, Many longstanding UMC members are utterly sick of watching as the preaching of the Gospel has been replaced by the preaching of political correctness in its place.

Issues around the UMC leadership pushing LGBTI theology onto local churches are well documented as well as giving endorsement to issues around Abortion and the Christian view of Marriage.

An issue that has been of a lot of concern is the number of employees that the UMC have in leadership roles that are paid generous wages yet who have nothing at all to do with the same local church that is expected to fund their salaries and entitlements whilst they respond with continued criticism towards the evangelical members of the UMC and spend their time whiteanting the same members..

For many the news that their church has successfully gained a yes vote and that they are out of the UMC and into a new day with the Global Methodist Church is being received with joy and thankfulness to God for His help in getting them out. Many feel like the burden they have carried these past years is now no more. There exists sadness to for those members whose churches votes fell short and now face the difficulty of finding a new church to attend after many years of faithful service to the Methodist Church.

As hard as these recent years have been, new day has dawned and its time to walk forward into the new dawn. Its time to evangelise the Gospel like the Methodist church once did with the shackles now removed. Many churches will see new members coming in simply from people who wanted to be a part of the church, but would not because of the corrupted nature of the former denomination and who would see a UMC church and simply drive on by to a local Baptist or other church as a result. Jesus tells us not to hide our light under a bushel, get the word out on the streets about your new church.., yes you should run and be a volunteer for the church for an upcoming Alpha course, the opportunities for you are endless, just don’t be tricked into hiding your light once again, – you are indeed and absolutely called by God for such a time as this.

2 thoughts on “Why congregations are leaving the United Methodist Church,

  1. Here is another reason they are leaving… UMC Bishop Connie Shelton of Mississippi Quoted from a speech, “No more vilification, no more demonization, will we trust one another’s convictions, if not, it is time for those with mean spirited arrogance to move on.”


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