Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton and ‘Mean Spirited Arrogance’.

As you may be aware, a video is circulating featuring Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton of the UMC North Carolina Conference. Many UMC and other Christians in general are quite taken aback by the language used to describe them and their faith. For your reference the video is posted below and the diatribe begins around the 8.30 mark.

Here is a transcript in part,

“From general agencies to local churches its time to risks, to take small steps towards God’s vision; instead of holding tightly to to self protection and preservation. I pray that we remove the harmful language around homosexuality from the book of discipline and that covenant love can be celebrated in marriage and our LBQT sisters & brothers called by God who have gifts & grace for ministry will be ordained in church. I long for the day that all who remain UMC and value our diversity will commit to lives of unity gifted by the Holy Spirit. No more Vilification, no more Demonisation, will we trust one another’s convictions? If not, then its time for those with mean spirited arrogance to move on and quit causing chaos in the meantime. When the UMC emerges from the general conference in 2024, may the Holy Spirit overwhelm us with a spirit of generosity…”.

I’d like to focus in on the judgement made on people by Bishop Connie that people who stand for the same Biblical Methodism that John and Charles Wesley founded, are “Mean Spirited and Arrogant”. This is a classic bait and switch technique used to demonise and mock people that disagree with them. Its openly dishonest and completely unacceptable conduct for a Bishop, or anyone on the payroll of the UMC to behave in that manner, its also openly hate speech against Evangelical Christians members of the UMC.

Still.., the 2024 UMC Conference will be an interesting one after the sheer number of UMC members and congregations that have decided to move on, – with their property and buildings transferred out of the UMC with them…

Its reasonable to suggest that the reason for much of the recent panic and hysteria amongst some of the liberal UMC leadership is the fact that they were completely unprepared for the sheer number of congregations who over recent weeks have been voting themselves out of the UMC and into the Global Methodist Church or other groups or gone non denominational.

I suspect they thought it would be a minor number of congregations that would be leaving. It turns out that they could not be more wrong and and that there are more and more meetings now being called across the country to vote on leaving or staying within the UMC. There is also a growing number of cases where the stay vote is won by people who may not even attend the local UMC church, the local UMC church then meets the following Sunday to discover that the percentage of people that voted leave are no longer there and their church is now no longer viable. Many groups of leave voters are being joined by others and new GMC congregations are also beginning across the nation.

The main issue for the liberal leadership of the UMC is that the congregations that are leaving en masse, are not taking the top heavy liberal leadership of the UMC with them. The generous salaries and stipends provided to liberal Bishops and others remain the responsibility of the UMC denomination and the congregations that remain with them. The Global Methodist Church are naturally appointing their own Evangelical members to take up their leadership positions.

People like Bishop Connie Shelton sadly live in their own fishbowl disconnected from reality. They repeat the same left wing politics and theology over and over so often that they become immersed in their own poison. The same people have no recognition of the fact that their Methodism has nothing at all in common with actual Methodism as founded by John and Charles Wesley or as practiced by the original Methodists.

There does however need to be a time of truth telling in the churches that choose to remain in the United Methodist Church. The Truth that needs to be told is that they have moved from being a Christian Church to a Unitarian Church. The theology as preached and practiced by the UMC leadership has far more in common with the Unitarian Universalist Church than the Methodist Church. An appropriate and honest response for the UMC at the 2024 Conference would be to take a vote to Amalgamate and be United with the Unitarian Universalist Church and be called the United Unitarian Church where they can be genuinely United in vision and doctrine with one another as both liberal denominations simply continue to decline to oblivion..

8 thoughts on “Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton and ‘Mean Spirited Arrogance’.

  1. The reason to leave the UMC. She is the example why. Needs to read and understand the BIBLE. She will make a good cult leader. PHONEY


  2. I was under the impression that all sinful people are welcome in the UMC. We do not turn away alcoholics, gamblers, pornographers, shoplifters, felons, wealthy, poor, homeless, much less LBQT sisters & brothers. We generally do not put those individuals in leadership roles to condone their behavior and influence our youth. Forgive me if I am wrong.


    • Can you please send your comment to my email? Excellent comment that I don’t want to forget. I am a longtime church organist and was raised in the Evangelical United Brethren Church. That was a good church that got swallowed up by the Methodist Church. Have been a United Methodist for 50 years.


  3. I’m a bit confused. Where is the practice of homosexuality promoted and “rooted in scripture”? The following would appear to contradict your assertion:
    (this is not an exhaustive list)
    Genesis 19
    Jude 7
    Leviticus 18:22, 20:13
    Romans 1:18-32
    1 Corinthian 6:9-10
    1 Timothy 1:9-10

    Either you believe that scripture is the inerrant word of God, or you don’t. You don’t get to pick and choose, even if you are a UMC bishop. And yes, I’m aware that context is important when reading scripture.

    One of those “arrogant, mean-spirited” people.


  4. Lady – you go your way, and we’ll go God’s way. Love the sinner, not the sin. What saith the word?
    If you wanted to become woke, and change everything YOU should have disaffiliated. I wish you well, no mean spirit here and no rewriting ofGOD’s word.
    That, is our decision. I’m saddened that you feel it necessary to abandon your faith to ‘fit in.
    I’m alarmed at the break from the fervent love of the Bible of Wesley.
    I’ll be praying for you. I WONT call you names. That’s not Christlike – you must do as you feel is right.
    Jesus said ‘ you are healed/forgiven SIN NO MORE’
    My conscience will not permit this woke thinking to be included in my faith.


  5. I’m not sure , but maybe they need their own Bible? Ours doesn’t work for them, but that’s their problem, I’m good with Gods’ word.


  6. None of this is biblical. I don’t think God would call a homosexual to preach in His pulpit because homosexuality is a sin. I am not judging them but following God’s word. They need to be saved from their sin and then be called of God to preach.


  7. I think Rev Dr Mitchell is sincere in her call for unity and trust. We do need to be inclusive and loving. When she calls those who disagree as mean spirited and arrogant and tells them to go elsewhere if they do not agree with her viewpoint, that negates everything she said before.


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