The Absurd Censorship of Roald Dahl,

Its been announced this week that Puffin Press, publishers of the popular Road Dahl series of books are bringing them in for a “ReWrite”….

Essentially any passages that relate to Gender, Weight, Mental Health and Race were Rewritten. For example, Augustus Gloop in ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ is now “Enormous” rather than “Enormously Fat”, in “The Witches” A Supernatural Female working as a Cashier in a Supermarket” is now working as a “Top Scientist” or “Running a Business” and it goes on accordingly.

Its important to note that this Censorship which is very much Absurd Censorship originates in Left Wing Political Theology. In this case an organisation called “Inclusive Minds”, a ‘collective’ who say they work to make children’s literature more ‘inclusive’ and ‘accessible”..

Throughout history The Socialist / Communist / Political Left have sought to Ban and to Burn Books. Hitler and the NAZI Party, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, the Current Chinese Communist Party have all indulged in Banning Books, Banning Freedom of Speech and Controlling peoples lives in any way possible.

The Current Chinese Communist Government only permit their version of the New Testament to be distributed which they have heavily edited rewritten and added to. In the story of the woman caught in Adultery thrown at Jesus feet for example, the actual text says that it ended with Jesus saying “neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”. In the Chinese Communist version it says “Yet it is impossible for anyone to be without sin, so I shall cast the first stone”… All completely false.

George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair) had a number of insights into the future that he published, amongst them is this, “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute”.

George Orwell had insight for good reason, before becoming an author he had been a soldier in the Spanish Civil War and had his eyes opened to what his colleagues did in terms of viciously torturing and murdering prisoners and minorities all in the name of Socialism. Later Orwell who was held up by the left as someone who was anti religion actually attended the Christian Churches of the Karen Minority in his service in Burma and got a first hand understanding of what Christians are subjected to in terms of being persecuted for the faith and their freedom to practice Christianity. What happened in Spain happened in Burma and now modern China.

The blunt fact is that the Political Left openly want to control what you say and who you say it to. By ‘Cancelling” people, by making laws that force people to use their chosen words and pro-nouns. The idea is that they will rewrite your story and rewrite your history for their own financial gain inclusive of wealth and power.

Still cancelling people and pushing wokeness isn’t working out so well for the Political Left. Jordan Peterson is now more popular than ever. Christianity is still the fastest growing religion in the world and yet its left wing Liberal and Unitarian congregations that are plummeting the fastest in number. The Socialist Left make all the promises in the world yet cannot keep any of them and when challenged they immediately try to shift the blame or attack other Leftist Socialists with the suggestion that they are “doing it wrong”. Companies Like Gillette that push wokeness and political correctness have seen their profit margins fall quite dramatically as people leave their products on the shelves and walk away.

Absolutely no one will ever get to control what I decide I want to read or what I wish to say. I value freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of association. I value my Christian Faith and I’ll never submit it to Government or any Socialist group that wants to rewrite it as they wish to do with Roald Dahl. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” I’m not ashamed to confess to you that Jesus Christ is absolutely the ‘only’ way, to the exclusion of all other religions including Atheism.

Roald Dahl has written nothing in his books for children that calls for Censorship or being Rewritten. I encourage you to reject that outright and to continue to support Roald Dahl in his original work. Should you be interested, Roald Dahl also wrote some brilliant collections of short stories for Adults, they are well worth a look along with the rest of his work in spite of what the Labor / Green / Democrat / Communist Parties think.

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